5 Hearty Vegetables That You Can Grow in the Winter

Though cold weather may limit your gardening options, there are still plenty of hearty and healthy veggies that you can plant in the fall. If you’re a gardening fanatic, consider planting one of these four cold-weather vegetables. While most of them can withstand even the heavy snow of a Pennsylvania winter, you can toss a fleece blanket over your crop for an extra layer of protection.

  • Onions. Onions are the ideal crop for gardeners who have never planted a single vegetable before because they practically watch after themselves after planting, and they’re able to easily survive winter frosts. However, onions won’t be ready to harvest until summer, so be careful not to disturb the bulbs when planning your spring vegetables!


  • Garlic. Garlic is a great crop for the beginning winter gardener; it has a long growing season and it grows like weeds once you get started. There are a number of garlic strains that can be planted in the fall and harvested in summer; although the White Cristo variety is recommended most for those who want to use their garlic while cooking.


  • Asparagus. If your landscaping in Bucks County allows you to plant a large garden, why not get a permanent crop of asparagus started this fall? Though asparagus plantings take about two years to establish, a mature asparagus stalk can produce vegetables for more than 25 years!  


  • Peas. More experienced gardeners may want to try their hand at growing a few pods of peas! Peas can grow successfully through the winter, but you’ll want to choose a hearty strain like the First Early variety.

Does your garden need a little extra TLC ahead of the fall planting season? Anthony Landscapes is here to help! Our landscaping service in Bucks County offers creative and innovative solutions to beautify your property now and keep it looking great until next spring arrives! Give our team a call today at  215-876-3111 to schedule your appointment for a free estimate.