Author Archives: Kris S

shovel on snowy deck

Tips for Protecting Your Deck from Snow

Snow days are picturesque and cozy in theory but can be a real pain in practice. You probably already know that the best thing you can do to save yourself the hassle during snow days is to salt your driveway and paths, put your car in the garage, and keep a snow shovel close at hand. However, did you know you also need to prepare your deck for winter weather? Protecting your deck from snow is important because it not only preserves the life of your deck — it also keeps you and your family safer. Follow these tips and gain peace of mind!

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fall foliage and pumpkins outside of house

Simple Fall Landscaping Ideas for Your Home

While people traditionally think of spring as the time to reinvent their yard and garden, autumn presents unique opportunities for making your landscaping pop. Fall is the time of brilliant colors and textures that you can take advantage of, and we have the inside scoop on how you can do this. Look over these tips for designing your landscape for the fall season.

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Lawn Mowing Closeup Photo. Professional Landscaping Works. Grass Cut.

Stop Cutting Your Grass: 4 Reasons to Make the Switch to Professional Lawn Care Services

You work hard. You already have so many chores. Budgeting for seasonal lawn care services can give you more time to enjoy your home and spend less time maintaining your home. Professional lawn care services can help senior citizens maintain their home’s desired curb appeal without physical burdens. Having your grass cut by a professional can also help you take control of weeds, achieve the lawn of your dreams, and increase the amount of time you’re able to enjoy your outdoor property during the warm months. 

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